I accomplished .. a lot, but first let me tell you the two Major things that I Accomplished. I set up the curtains in my place without any help and I am very proud of that. My partnerner did help me with the purcheses due to me not having the right tools-any of them, nor " the right height ". In the end, I did it all by myself and the color is Orange. Another thing I accomplished is ' Doing My Own Nails '. If you read the last post, you'll know the background of ' Doing My Own Nails '. The color is a very light pink and cut well. The point to all of this is setting your mind to do something and doing it. This New Moon in Taurus, all I've been thinking about is how I trained myself to go the distances. I don't want too, so anything long-term .. I'm training myself. When people get close to me, I share my merits and they look at me crazy, like How. They struggle with going the distances and I teach but, I will admit it's a little harsh. Time is not on my side and I'm in the middle. They always go the " Other Way ", The Less Way , The Theft Way, The Lesson. Of course, they teach me as well - freedom, you know " You Don't Need To Work As Hard & Sharpen Your Awareness/Skills In My (There) World ". I also organized a lot of stuff for my daughter. Folding, organizing, buying and my partner too, sharpening-training-my food skills, and more. I'm in hibernation for her, untill the Full Moon in Sagittarius. You know she's getting to that age where " Doing My Own Nails (Nails) " work. ? Ha!
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